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Commenting on Planning Proposals

There is a useful article on how to write planning objections at this link.


Objections and comments should be made individually by residents in their own words.  Objections should relate to a valid planning objection (see link above).  We believe that each adult over 18 in a household may comment.
The following may give some food for thought:

1) The Transport Assessment is flawed.
The approach used in the assessment was to model using a theoretical model, not validating with  actual measurements, and does not reflect the reality being experienced by residents.  The assessment data is out of date and should be revisited.
Other studies have shown that several junctions and roads in the locality are over or approaching peak capacity.
Accident analysis is out of date and does not take into account an increased rate of accidents in the area with the increase in traffic over the last year or so.

The impacts of this are:
- Reduced highway safety and higher risk of injury collisions
- The time and economic cost of the delays currently being experienced at each end of Westwood Heath Road and beyond during peak periods

The planning proposal should be rejected and only revisited once an adequate transport study has been undertaken, which includes assessment at peak times during University of Warwick term time and outside of school holiday periods.


Possible other areas:
The Transport to Work study (2016) appears to be based on data from 2011 and cannot reflect current conditions

The study appears to model Bockenden Road as a 60mph area; it has a 90 degree bend on the approach to Crackley Lane and this modelling is unrealistic.  There have been numerous accidents at this corner despite the addition of chevrons.


2) Road infrastructure
There is a lack of adequate infrastructure to support the proposed increase in traffic which the site will generate.  Given the capacity problem on local roads, there is no immediate or medium term plan to improve the infrastructure capacity.


The impact of this is that the traffic issues show no sign of improvement until a capacity upgrade is planned, the convenience & highway safety issues will remain.


3) HGV Traffic
Failure to take account of HGV traffic which is generated by local logistic facilities which are using our minor roads to gain access to major trunk road systems
The traffic modelling assumes a low level of HGV traffic and observations from local residents are that the proportion of HGV traffic has increased.  This affects the accuracy of the modelling.

4) Impact of HS2 Construction
Failure to take into consideration HS2 traffic which is going to impact this area for the next 10years and road closures which may result.

5) Cumulative impacts of developments
Failure to understand the aggregate effects of multiple proposed developments in surrounding areas such as Burton Green, Eastern Green, Balsall Common, University of Warwick and the local business parks. The adverse effects do not just add to each other but multiply it.

The impact of this is that traffic density is at a higher level then the baseline assumed in the Transport Assessment and that Residents are already seeing an increase in accident rates and traffic queuing issues, inconveniencing road users.   A significant development of this nature will have a major detrimental effect on the area, making it a less attractive area to live in.

6) Population Figures
Proven inaccuracy of projected increase in population figures for Coventry and subsequent need for additional housing.  The figures for Coventry have been grossly overstated based on incorrect assumptions on the retention levels of students after finishing University; these figures have driven the move towards allocating build on previously Green Belt land.

The application should be rejected until Coventry’s housing needs have been properly assessed based on valid figures.

Further, both Coventry CC and Warwick DC plans have made an insufficient investigation and use of Brownfield sites.

7) Rented housing
The inappropriateness of the proposal for rented social housing stock in an area which in the main has executive style housing. This will lead to a detrimental change in the character of Westwood Heath

There will be a potential increase in anti-social behaviour, and a potential increase in crime in the area.

8) Buy-to-let
Although we should support the building of affordable properties in Westwood Heath, sadly many of these properties will be purchased for buy-to-let.  Tenants of such properties have no vested interest in the maintenance or appearance of these properties.

This can lead to a lack of visual amenity to those properties overlooking the proposed development.


The overall character of the area would be changed immeasurably by the change in style and density of housing proposed and the application should be rejected for this reason.

Inclusion of flats and maisonettes potentially destroy the privacy of residents living opposite the proposed development as they overlook existing properties.
Unless there is a covenant put in place that only makes them available to local people or those with a connection to local residents. Such a covenant should apply in perpetuity to these houses. This is the case for the affordable homes planned for Red Lane by Cala Homes.

9) Multiple occupancy
Allowing sale of properties for multiple occupancy to buy to let landlords, will lead to Westwood Heath facing similar difficulties encountered in cannon park area where many properties are now extended houses of multiple occupancy.

The impact of this will be increase in anti-social behaviour, noise and crime in the locality.

10) Pollution
Inadequate air pollution assessment on Westwood Heath Road.

Our understanding is that the air pollution assessment in based on the traffic model which has shown to be inaccurate and out of date.  Pollution is modelled on 2015 data from Kenilworth.  There is extensive standing traffic during peak periods at the western and eastern ends of Westwood Heath Road and this discharges NOx and PMx pollutants into the atmospehere.

The application should be rejected until an environmental assessment based on valid and current traffic data has been carried out.

The impact of the additional traffic generated by the proposed development will be a potential risk to health for those living along Westwood Heath Road and surrounding areas.


The report acknowledges an increase in pollutants at Receptor 38 (eastern end of Westwood Heath Road).   There should be an accurate measurement of pollutants carried out at this and other relevant locations.


11) Schools

There is no provision for schools and it is unclear how school place demand will be met.


12) Health Facilities

There are no provisions for additional health facilities.  There is no capacity in Burton Green and no nearby alternative facilities in WDC.


13) Shop
The shop does not fit in with rows of detached houses.  The houses fronting Westwood Heath Road need to be in keeping with the surrounding detached houses.

The shop may cause additional noise pollution, extra traffic including deliveries.  There are only 12 parking spaces so additional on-street parking may create traffic and safety concerns.

There are substantial shopping facilities at Cannon Park.

There is the additional possibility of anti-social behaviour and noise impacting the area especially if the shop has extended opening hours (as we would expect to have to happen to maintain viability)

© 2022 by Westwood Heath Residents Association

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