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Support during the Covid-19 pandemic

Some resources as we live through the COVID-19 lockdown and beyond.


We know of lots of stories of neighbours helping out each other, and have had communications from outside of Westwood Heath asking for support for elderly or vulnerable residents which have been responded to.


If you do know of someone living nearby who may need support, please do check in with them - and bear in mind this may change on a week to week basis as people self-isolate.


If you live outside of Westwood Heath and need to contact us about an elderly or vulnerable relative, please email


If you live in Westwood Heath, we're also going to use the Streetwatch Coordinator email address as a focal point if people need help or assistance

We also intend to set up a mobile number to call - will see how this goes.   Thanks to Louise Hughes for coordinating.


If you can shop for someone else and save a journey then please do so - there's no special mechanism for this but those on our Facebook page can make requests or offer help.


There have been lots of posts on Facebook suggesting non-supermarket places that are open and/or stocked and we'll maintain the list here and on the Facebook page.


Shops open or offering delivery in the area (please let us know of others)


  • Shops in Leyes Lane, kenilworth.  Including the most fabulous independent bakery called The Bakers Dozen which has an amazing selection of bread and cakes - and is also selling flour and eggs.

  • Oakes farm shop are doing deliveries

  • Farmers Fayre at Stoneleigh

  • Lucketts Dairy - milk deliveries

  • Coventry shops/restaurants offering meals/grocery delivery to self-isolated vulnerable people in COVID-19









Map of positive cases (enter your postcode to zoom the map in)

NHS and Police links:


Coventry Council

Some more general links that may be of interest:


Advice from Which? on video conferencing apps


Coronavirus fact checks


Interactive visualisation of the spread of the virus:

© 2022 by Westwood Heath Residents Association

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