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1) Name

The name of the organisation shall be Westwood Heath Residents Association, hereafter referred to as “WHRA”.



2) Aims and Objectives

WHRA will represent and promote the interests of all the residents of Westwood Heath.


It will seek the views of all members of the Association and any who live within its area.


It will provide a medium through which residents may express their views on matters pertaining to Westwood Heath and any that may affect it arising in other areas.


It will represent the interests of residents in consultation with local and central government, developers and other bodies.


It will provide regular information to all members/residents and consult them as appropriate.


It will encourage the development of and nurture a Westwood Heath community.  


It will ensure equality of opportunity to all members and residents.


It will have its constitution made available to any member who requests it and publish it on its website. 


3) Membership


Membership is open to anyone living within Westwood Heath and all those who support the aims of the WHRA.


All members have voting rights on all issues which require a vote and are raised at any General Meeting they attend.


All members are required to conduct themselves in a reasonable manner at the meetings of the WHRA.


There will a membership fee per household of £5 per year.  The AGM will have the right to vary this fee. In order to reduce the administrative burden and to have clear financial governance, this should be paid by standing order or cheque.





4) Ceasing to be a member


  • A resident who moves out of the area.

  • A member who fails to pay the membership fee for 2 consecutive years.

  • If in the opinion of the committee a member has engaged in activity that is not in keeping with WHRA’s constitution or its aims



5) Committee and officers


Officers of WHRA, will consist of the following:-

  • Chair

  • Vice Chair

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Co-opted committee member(s)


Committee members must be residents of Westwood Heath, be of good standing and not an officer of another Residents’ Association/Parish Council unless co-opted by the chairman for specific needs.


They must declare any conflict of interests in relation to the affairs of WHRA prior to an AGM.  


Committee members will serve for a period of 1 year and can be re-elected at the AGM.


The Chair may invite other people to serve on the committee.  They may come from outside of the membership if their particular skills are deemed necessary for the benefit of the WHRA.



6) AGM and other meetings


Annual General Meeting


This requires a majority decision of quorum of at least 10 voting members for its decisions to be valid.  The Chair will have the casting vote in case of an equal split.

All members will be notified at least 3 weeks in advance of the date of the AGM. This will be through WHRA website/ Facebook group and local notices.


The maximum period between AGMs will be 15 months.


Nomination for members of the committee must be submitted at least 1 month before the date of the AGM in writing.  Emails to the official WHRA address are recognised as notice in writing.  Each nomination must be supported by at least 2 voting members of WHRA.

Items for the agenda must be submitted at least 1 month before the date of the AGM preferably in writing or email to the WHRA.

Minutes of the meetings will be available on the WHRA website within a month of the meeting.


Ordinary Meetings of WHRA


There will be an ordinary meeting of the WHRA on a quarterly basis.

Dates of the ordinary meeting should be agreed at the AGM or at the end of each general meeting.

The committee may at its discretion call a extra-ordinary meeting as necessary.

Members will be notified of the date of the all meetings at least 3 weeks in advance.  This will be through WHRA website/ Facebook group and local notices.

Minutes of meetings will be available on the WHRA website within a month of the meeting.   


Changes to the constitution


Any changes to the constitution must be approved at an AGM.

There will be at least 1 month notice of changes proposed. This must be submitted in writing.

A 2/3 majority of a quorum meeting is required for any changes to the constitution.




A bank account will be maintained on behalf of WHRA at a bank agreed by the committee.

There will be at least three signatories to the account. 

Each transaction will require two signatures.

A record of income and expenditure will be maintained by the Treasurer and a financial statement given at each meeting.

An annual statement of accounts will be presented to the Annual General Meeting.

All money raised by the association will be spent solely on the objects laid out in the constitution.

Exceptional expenditure can be approved at a quorum meeting.




Although WHRA may seek support and co-operate with other Residents’ Associations, local councils, etc., it will remain independent.  It has no political affiliation and will not allow its website, email address, newsletter or mailing list to be used for political purposes.









Data management.


In order to provide updates and newsletters to members, we may collect the following information:

  • Name

  • Email address

  • Street address

  • Phone number

  • Social media account names


This will only be used to distribute information relating to WHRA and will not be shared with other organisations.  You may ask to have information removed from the distribution list at any time by contacting the WHRA email address. Participation on the Facebook page and other social media will be subject to the privacy settings you have selected on your own account.


Dissolution of WHRA


At least 3 months notice must be given to members if the committee is recommending dissolution of the WHRA which can only be done either at the AGM or a special meeting at which a quorum is present.

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