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Membership is open to all residents of Westwood Heath.

There is a token membership fee of £5.00 per household per year, which is used to cover direct administration costs.

Those wishing to join the R.A. are asked to set up a standing order of £5.00 per household per year OR make single payment of £5.00 to the following Lloyds Bank Account:


Sort code: 30-92-33 Account number: 42788963

Use account name "Westwood Heath Residents Association" (although just "Westwood Heath" seems to work too.)   It is classed as a business account.


When setting up your Standing Order or Payment, plus use a reference of nnnxxxxxx where nnn is your house number and xxxxx is the first part of your street name so we can identify who has deposited money. (Note: Broadwells Crescent and Broadwells Court please use nnnBCRES and nnnBCOURT respectively so we can differentiate between them)

Our membership email address for membership queries is:

Annual Accounts

Note: The notes pages have been removed from these files as they contain membership names. 

Accounts for the period ending 30th June 2020 are posted here.

Accounts for the period ending 30th June 2019 are posted here.

Accounts for the period ending 30th June 2018 are posted here.

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